Website Repair & Fixes

I’m frequently hired to “fix” aging websites that have grown stagnant, been hacked or infected with malware, need to be updated to a mobile friendly structure, etc. I lean on years of experience pinpointing problems that most sites face over time and can fix most issues that I’m presented with including updates for server, database, programming language, software, api, integrated mobile friendliness, etc.

Amateur developers and agencies looking to maximize their profit will oftentimes opt for purchasing an off-the-shelf theme with little to no knowledge of actual back-end functionality, or advanced requirements such as dealing with custom post types, taxonomy, speed or security involved. They also rarely update things for fear of killing the site which becomes a recipe for disaster.

Websites, especially WordPress websites will slowly degrade over time, their core, plugins or themes may become insecure, and more often than not end up getting hacked or infected with malware. At that point search rank drops, and they’re forced to pay more money to get it fixed or rebuilt properly. The typical web hosting company will be of no help other than to charge you to restore a back up or clean up malware, or try to sell you on extra services. Consider my Managed Web Hosting Services to avoid this altogether and have someone on your side when you need it or have questions.

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